MOLON LABE Bolt Action Pen

MOLON LABE Bolt Action Pen




MOLON LABE - The battle cry for those who refuse to lay down their weapons. If you are a strong support of the Second Amendment, then this is the perfect pen for you.

Patterned after a 30 caliber rifle round, the pen's clip is also a rifle. With a unique bolt action mechanism to extend and retract the ink refill, this is truly special pen for those true patriots.

It uses a standard Parker refill and is also available in Black Enamel, Antique Brass and Antique Copper as well as any of the other bolt action styles.

I hand make every pen and ensure that it meets the highest of quality standards. Since each one is individually made, it's not a problem to customize one for you.

Whether using my material or something that you provide, let me make a pen that you will be proud to own or give as a gift.

I custom make each of these. As such, it will take me a few days to complete it and get it shipped, but it's well worth it.